You are caring for your special-needs child, but who is caring for you? Mom2Mom is a peer support service to address the behavioral health challenges of caring for a special needs child. Moms with children with developmental disabilities, autism, mental health issues, medical problems, and more can find comfort in connecting. Funded by the New Jersey Department of Children and Families, we offer peer support assessments, a specialized provider network, and resilience and support groups.
Mom2Mom Program Features
Confidential Mom2Mom Peer Support Helpline
Staffed by mothers of children with special needs who have been trained as peer support specialists with the support of mental health clinicians.
Mom2Mom Peer Support and Clinical Services
If you just want to vent to another Mom who knows what you’re going through, Mom2Mom staff are ready to listen.
Clinical Telephone Assessments
If you’re not sure how severe the problem is, one of our experienced professional counselors will provide an assessment and follow-up with a vast network of prefessional resources throughout the state.
Referrals to a Mom2Mom Network of Service Providers
Case management for your child and you.
Mom2Mom Support Groups
Join other mothers of children with special needs and Mom2Mom peer support specialists at regular support group meetings throughout the state.
Reciprocal Peer Support™
Reciprocal Peer Support™ is a Peer Prevention, Intervention, and Postvention approach to peer support through which peers achieve:
- Connection & Presence
- Info Gathering & Risk Assessment, Orienting
- Case Management, Wellness Plans & Goal Setting
- Resilience, Affirmation & Praise