AID-NJEA is a confidential helpline for school staff members and their families experiencing distress at work or home. Our peer support specialists are active and retired educators and school counselors trained to provide peer support, guidance, information, and resources to colleagues.
The AID-NJEA helpline has served NJEA members and their families for nearly 20 years. NJEA members and their families have access to this free and confidential service 24 hours a day and seven days a week. Educators and school counselors are on the line from noon until 8 p.m. Monday through Thursday, and until 6 p.m. on Fridays to provide peer-to-peer support and information to callers. In addition, University Behavioral Health Care provides mental health professionals who answer the helpline during all other hours for 24/7 coverage.
Callers seeking help from AID-NJEA can count on:
- Help from a staff of Education Support Specialists experienced in education and trained in
behavioral health. - Personal response — a “real voice” with no buttons to push.
- Access to thousands of resources from the AID-NJEA Information Directory.
- High quality help by telephone with personal, family and school-related demands.

AID-NJEA is a partnership between NJEA and Rutgers University Behavioral Health Care.